Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cyber Monday

A "Digital Poem" I wrote a year ago for a communications class. For some reason I never posted it here. Note the links, though not all of them might still be working.

Cyber Monday

Ho ho ho, come one, come all,

Black Friday has come, the shoppers will not fall.

To get gifts for the holidays, the season has arrived,

The lines get long; surely no one is surprised.

Yet as the consumers go to and from stores,

Another wave of shopping has approached our doors.

Enter Cyber Monday, a true online delight,

Where the deals return online, despite the economic fright.

People like this holiday, sales have clearly shown,

When people can grab deals, from the comfort of their own home.

Yet all is not well in this cyber-universe of bliss,

Online spammers and scammers, steal money with deadly kiss.

Papers report this quite sad catastrophe,

Of the foolishness of shoppers, who can't help but shout blasphemy.

Not everyone is smart, when it comes to shopping online,

People must be more careful, it is clearly the time.

Yet websites show clearly that online scamming will not end,

There is still a month left to go, the mass shopping will not bend.

So to all you people who shop on the web,

I ask you to be careful, please stop, look ahead.

If a site seems leery you should stop drop and roll,

Least your hard-earned funds be replaced with useless coal.

Even the familiar haunts should be regarded with care,

For mirrored sites are abound, it's really not fair.

So ends my tale of holiday shopping and delight,

Please take care when shopping online, lest your holidays turn into fright.

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